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Things Not to Say at Work

Most people spend more time at work than they do at home, so it’s natural that you could become so comfortable in your workplace that you begin to let your guard down. But, it is important to remember that it is still a place where you must maintain a professional demeanor. Whether you are expressing yourself to your boss or your coworkers, you should be careful in choosing your words. Don’t let anything pass your lips that could be considered harmful or demeaning towards the business or anyone in the company.

guy hand sign to stop
Source: O#23559 – ID#100061664781

Here are a few phrases to avoid that could potentially hurt your career or even end it.

1. “We’ve always done it this way.”

Regardless of whether that is true or not, what other people here is that you are resisting change. When you resist change, you cannot progress in your position, and you will remain stagnant. That isn’t a good look for an employee in front of their boss. Usually, things change for the better, or they are temporary for the situation at hand. If things didn’t change, you would still be waiting for dial-up internet or calling handwritten numbers from your Rolodex. If you are hesitant to a new way of doing things, try asking questions about it and learning the benefits. Once you are more aware of the new method, you will be more likely to trust it.

2. “That’s not my job.”

Many bosses will ask their employees to carry out tasks that go outside of your comfort level or that you may consider beneath you. It happens from time-to-time in any business, but instead of looking at it as an annoying extra task, think of it as a chance to show how versatile of an employee you are. Besides, saying that something isn’t your job, comes across as you saying that you won’t take one for the team. If you really cannot find the time to carry out these unrelated tasks, inform the asker that you have several other projects to finish first, but when those are completed, you would be delighted to help out. If you truly are busy, they should realize that and may ask someone else.

3. “You’re dressed up today. Do you have an interview somewhere?”

Some people feel like getting a little extra dressed up on certain days. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are trying to leave the company. By phrasing, this question in this way what you are genuinely portraying is that they don’t usually dress nice or maybe that they don’t like their job and could be exploring options. So what if they have an interview somewhere else? You will find out in due time if they leave the company anyway. Instead of asking them questions that they would like to keep private, say that they look nice or you like their shoes and move on. If you do decide to compliment them, be sure that the compliment is workplace-appropriate and you have a comfortable relationship with that other person, too.

4. “I don’t know.”

Sometimes you don’t know the right answer. That’s fine, but try to avoid saying this particular phrase. Instead reply, “I will find out for you” if the question was asked in person. If the person asks you over email or GChat, you can do a quick Google search or ask a more informed co-worker before replying.

5. “You’re how old?!”

You might not think that this question is a big deal, but it doesn’t work out in any situation. If you are incredulous that a person is so young in such a position of power you are making the accusation that they look older for their age. If it is vice versa, then you are conveying that they aren’t where they should be professionally at that time in their life. Simply, steer clear of age-guessing or any questions that may be related.

6. “I don’t enjoy working with this person.”

This is another response that makes you look like you are not a team player. Just because you do not like someone does not mean that should hinder you from maintaining a professional relationship with them. Sometimes working with people who have a different style than your own can be useful for growth.

7. “This task is not possible.”

Instead of saying this, try working out the issues. How can you be sure if you haven’t laid out the problem in front of you and contemplated all of the possible outcomes? Avoid being negative all the time when you’re in the office. Otherwise, your co-workers won’t want to work with you.

Tips Your Startup Actually Needs

Congratulations! You’ve founded your very own start-up! That’s a dream that only the best entrepreneurs can turn into a reality. While there is no shortage of information out there for startups, here’s some advice that you MUST have to lead your business to success. Read on for five tips that your startup needs.

work meeting
Source: O#23559 – ID#100072458279

1. Find Your Fans

This is true for any business that is successful. When you find your loyal customers and the people who truly trust and believe in your product(s), then you can have great success if you focus on pleasing them. Take time to thank your loyal customers and to listen to them. Find out what they expect and need out of your product. Your products and services should always be changing and getting better when you’re a start-up. All new startups should invest in a virtual phone number for their customer service line. It takes up minimal start-up cost, and you can find a plan that fits your specific needs and budget very quickly. Plus, with a virtual phone number, you can create a top-notch customer service line that will allow you and your customers to stay in touch, enabling you to nurture a prosperous, mutually-beneficial business relationship.

2. Create Your Own Product Category

When you don’t have any competition, it’s easy to be number 1. Take Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram for example. They all began as social media sites whose biggest comparison was to that of Facebook. But what actually made them so strong and so unique was that they were nothing like Facebook. Twitter offers an outlet to find news and express your opinions on current events and pop culture topics, or even share what you had for lunch that day. As long as it was stated in 140 characters, or now 280 or less, you could write it and post it up for all to see.

3. Efficiency is Key

It is better to start out with a smaller staff, especially, if your start-up is on a budget. It might seem like you need to begin hiring people right away as your business starts to grow, but sometimes it’s better to look inward and find out what is working within your industry and what isn’t. Instead of expanding right away, think about dispersing the people you have onto projects that are pressing right away. Eventually, you will have to hire as your business grows, but in the first year or so, it is better to get a flow for what works for your company and what doesn’t before adding on additional people just to have to let them go when you can’t find the funding.

4. Offer a Better Product, and Price it That Way

A great thing about having a start-up business and working on one great product or a core-set of great products means that you can price your product above that of your competition. That might not sound like the best idea right off the bat, but think about it; bigger businesses can slash their prices more easily to compete with the smaller guys with no problem. When you dedicate your business solely to creating the best, for example, soap, you can market it and price it as a handmade and one-of-a-kind product that is good for you, the environment, pets, whatever. Use your niche to your advantage.

5. Marketing

Impress your customers with an eye-catching logo, an easy-to-navigate homepage, and a thorough and professional website. All of your marketing pieces should be the highest quality so you can make a great first impression. If you can’t afford an in-house graphic designer, try to hire a freelancer, or if you are really low on cash, you can check out Canva, where anyone can create beautiful visual design pieces from professional templates.

Once you have created your perfect website, built a winning team, put your best product forward with the right price, and raised your customer service game, you will be well on your way to having a successful startup.

The Fastest Growing Global Markets of 2025

Source: O#23559 – ID#100072458279

The world’s most advanced countries have seen global trade become stagnant because of policy changes and controlled investments. The upside of this upset is that developing countries have had a chance to begin to equalize themselves with more economic powerhouses.

These developing countries have been major contributors to global output. They are the countries that business owners should be thinking about when deciding to expand their reach to international territories. Read on to find out more about these emerging economies and the opportunities they can offer your business.

Expected Growth of Global Economic Markets

There are multiple countries throughout Asia that can maximize the growth output of your business. The OECD has sited Asia as the fastest economically growing region in the world. Growth throughout Asia in countries like Vietnam and China are expected to grow around 6.0% meanwhile the United States and Euro countries are only expected for grow by 2-3% and those numbers are expected to drop in the coming years as the countries in Asia continue to grow.

Where This Growth is Expected to Occur

The following is a list of economic growth anticipated by the fastest growing global markets for 2025.


China is projected to grow to 6.4% in 2025 in comparison to 6.6% in 2018 and 6.8% in 2017. The economy is steadying itself to a more reliable growth pattern rather than the extreme economic growth we have seen from China in the past decade. China’s president Xi Jinping has been working towards creating a more balanced pattern for the economy.


The growth rate in India is even higher than China’s and is expected to shoot up from 7.0% growth to 7.4% in 2025. This incredible growth rate is thanks to a rise in productivity. The growth potential of the market is currently accelerating and India is quickly becoming a huge economic presence in Asia.


Vietnam is hovering around the same growth rates as China with 6.5%. The government has been working tirelessly for Vietnam to become more attractive for world markets, and this strategy is proving to be lucrative. Huge tech giants such as Samsung have brought huge investments to the country.


Cambodia’s tourism sector took a plunge in the past but is now recovering and that recovery has helped to boost the economic growth in Cambodia to nearly 7%.

Deciding to invest in Cambodia is up to the personal choice of the business, however. Government corruption is still rampant in the country and transparency is not at its highest.


Though it has a very small population, the Kingdom of Bhutan is growing fast and strong. It is a landlocked and centrally located country between China and India. Its location makes Bhutan very important, and its economy is driven by tourism, agriculture, hydropower, and forestry. According to the World Bank, Bhutan is expected to grow at 11.1% over the next few years. The Kingdom of Bhutan uses a Gross National Happiness average over a Gross Domestic Product average to gauge the nation’s prosperity. Before you jump into investing in Bhutan take into consideration that its financial markets are not yet developed and the stock exchange is tiny.

South Korea

South Korea is not growing as fast as other countries around Asia, but it is still growing at around 3.0%, higher than most of Europe and the United States. South Korea may be seeing this boost because of its global trade deals and powerful friends.

New Zealand

Although not part of Asia, New Zealand is also in the running to become a top economic powerhouse globally. Its GDP growth is expected to stay at around 3.0% for 2025. This sovereign island country has built its GDP through agriculture, dairy farming, tourism, and a burgeoning wine industry.

Markets to Watch for Your Business’s Growth

This growth all around the world means that your brand has the possibility of expanding outside of your circle. When you understand where the money is going rather than where it is, you can give your brand a strong competitive edge. Asia and New Zealand are great potential marketplaces where your business can find new customers and can evolve prosperously over time.

New Telecom Tech Helping Companies Expand Internationally with Very Low Cost

More companies are beginning to realize that the global market can be tapped into at a very low cost. And since the majority of the world’s economic output is located outside of America, it’s a smart business move for any company. The best part is that acquiring an international virtual phone number from almost any country in the world is as simple as placing an order online.

telecom wires and servers
Source: O#23559 – ID#100092522624

Because of the advancement in telecom technology, businesses have several options when it comes to choosing a provider and because of this, virtual phone numbers are more affordable than ever. This combined with the rise of globalization, there are virtually no borders or barriers in place where you would not be able to successfully market and sell your product.

That does not mean that international expansion does not come with its fair share of problems, though. You still need to have a strong plan in place before purchasing your first international phone number. For example, understanding the culture, language, and taxation laws in the international country of your choice are foundational steps before expanding your business overseas. Many large corporations have failed when expanding into other countries because their teams did not properly research the nuances of the country.

In the past 20 years, many telecommunication advancements have been made. These include 5G mobile networks, the ability to share WiFi connection from your cell phone to your computer, the invention of smartphones and tablets, mobile entertainment, GPS tracking, and probably the most important – VoIP communication services.

VoIP stands for “Voice over Internet Protocol.” VoIP is the technology used to make services like Skype and international phone calls work. VoIP is a result of cloud computing and it provides the ability to transfer huge volumes of information through a network of servers. This huge step in technology gives businesses the ability to communicate globally, instantly.

Virtual phone numbers are a powerful tool for businesses because even though the concept of the virtual phone number is simple, the rewards are abundant. A customer located in India can dial the international virtual phone number that you have provided for your business and they will be instantly routed to the destination phone number of your choice. There is absolutely no delay during the forwarding process which had previously been a major problem for businesses in the past.

International virtual phone numbers are expanding globally and can be found in almost every country. Most providers will allow you to choose from local phone numbers, mobile numbers, or toll free numbers in that country as well. These numbers match the exact area codes and country codes of the international territory of your choosing. As previously mentioned, it is very simple to find a virtual phone number service provider and the set-up is fast. You will be ready to begin making calls instantly.

At United World Telecom, we offer a number of features that are included or can be added-on and augmented to the needs of your particular business. For example, add-on features include “roll-over minutes” in which you can keep your unused minutes and add them on to your next month for no additional charge, and SMS. SMS is a text messaging service that is a popular way to get into contact with your customers and vice versa.

It is important to understand the country that you are marketing to before making the decision of which add-ons you would like to have. In places such as America, most people prefer to communicate over text message, but in China, they prefer to use voice messaging and most people will not be impressed by a long text that they have to read.

One of the best features of virtual phone numbers is “time of day routing.” Time of day routing allows you to choose where and when your phone calls will be directed. Since you are doing business in an international country, there will be time difference issues. By using the time of day routing feature, you can be sure that you never miss a phone call by re-routing the call to a call center that is open when your business is closed for the night.

Expanding a Business Overseas with Virtual Phone Numbers

Source: O#23559 – ID#100116496336

Many businesses have decided to go global to compete, but the competition has become more fierce in recent years because of the influx of businesses expanding, not only in America, but abroad as well. A product that might do well in America may be able to sell even more in markets like Japan or India. If you are thinking of taking your business abroad, then you may be able to get a leg up on the competition by following these tips.

Competition is a Good Thing

As the number of competing businesses grow, so do the number of opportunities. New markets are opening all the time and existing markets are always expanding. New and old businesses should be prepared to take hold of new opportunities whenever they are presented. Thanks to huge improvements in technology and the telecom industry, almost any business can be easily equipped for international business.

International Virtual Phone Numbers

One of the most accessible pieces of technology available to a business is an international virtual phone number. These phone numbers are affordable and very popular with a variety of businesses. International virtual phone numbers work like any other phone number except that they are not bound to one single device. The number can be used to take inbound calls or make outbound calls from multiple devices. The best part is that the number can be hosted in your home country, yet international customers will still have access to your business.

The international virtual phone number is hosted on a Call Forwarding system that redirects phone calls from international territories to a local phone line. For example, a caller in the United Kingdom will be forwarded to your chosen local line in America. The caller from the UK will also not have to incur extra international calling fees. The customer saves money while your business saves money by not having to build international offices and hire new employees. If it is your end-goal to eventually build offices abroad, an international virtual phone number is a great way to establish roots in a new market.

Benefits of Using an International Virtual Phone Number

The strides made in telecom technology have created an easy path for more and more businesses to expand overseas. Because the virtual phone number matches a local number used in the foreign country or city of your choosing, the customer will not realize that the call is actually being answered in another country. This is important because many customers will not want to purchase your products if they cannot reach you by telephone. If a customer has a question about a product or wants to discuss exchanges, returns, or they simply want to let you know that they enjoy your product, they will hardly be eager to have to call an international phone number and incur charges to their phone bill.

International phone numbers can be used to enhance your business’ public image. You can control the image you want your business to convey by branding your business as a large and successful global company by having several points of contact in multiple foreign nations. Even if you are running your business from your kitchen island, you can still portray an image of being a big deal.

Purchasing an international virtual phone number will allow you to have a presence all over the world for a very low cost. You will save on international offices and a new international staff.

International virtual phone numbers also allow your company to maintain business relationships with contacts in foreign countries. Communication is key in every relationship and very important when you decide to take your business abroad.

United World Telecom offers a variety of international phone numbers in over 140 different countries. They also offer a variety of plans and access to features contingent upon your business’ needs. Whether you own a small business or are operating a large corporation, there are options that will enable you to obtain the international phone numbers you need. To learn more call us at 1 (888) 908-6171.

Infrastructure Matters: Is Your Business Building a Solid Foundation?

So you have an idea to start a business. Unfortunately, every successful entrepreneur will tell you that it is not an easy task to build a business. After you have developed your idea for a company is when the real work begins. Building a successful business can make your dreams come true, and all you need to do is start with a plan. Sit down and think out how to turn your dream into a reality, by being meticulous in your approach, and leaving no stone unturned. If you start with a strong foundation for your business, then you can weather any storms and come out on top of any ups and downs that your future business may one day see. Things are lurking around every corner that can threaten to take down your business, but if your IT infrastructure is strong, then you can go on with your days without worry.

So what are the different parts of a company that are utilized to create a secure infrastructure? Read on to learn how you can build a solid foundation for your business.

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Source: O#23559 – ID#100013166038

Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management tops this list because you not only need to be realistic about the time that you plan to put into your business, you also need to learn to prioritize tasks. Set goals and create lists.

Then, follow those lists. Be sure to put the most critical items on the top of the list and don’t move on to the next task until you’ve perfected the job. Everyone has the same 24-hours in a day, but those who prioritize their most meaningful tasks will always be the people that achieve more. Managing your time takes great personal discipline, and if you are serious about building your business, you might find yourself unable to participate in things that you enjoyed doing before you started. If you are building a business from the ground-up, let your friends and family know that you won’t be available for a short time while you build up your company.

Utilize Your Talents

Grab a pen right now and write down everything that you are good at. Once you’re finished, you can begin to formulate a plan on how you are going to utilize these skills to build-up your business.

These skills are what make you unique and give you an edge over your competition. Once you’ve compiled your strongest assets to a list, you can begin to use them to your advantage. For instance, if you are great with money, then you can do all the accounting for your business. Maybe you’re bad with money but great at talking to people; if you can talk to people, you can convince investors to invest in your company or talk customers into purchasing your products.

Invest In Your Employees

Having good employees is one of the essential pieces of having a strong foundational business. Hiring people that you trust can do the work and believe in your product or service are crucial for the success of your company. A company whose employees are unhappy won’t be doing as good of a job as another company whose employees love to come in early and work late because they truly are passionate about the business they work for or for the product that they sell. Use their skills in the same way that you utilize your own and make sure that they are working on the right tasks where their talents will shine. Reward your employees when they have done an excellent job and educate them through seminars, classes, and mentoring. When an employee is treated well, they will return the favor to the business in the form of profit.

Monitor Your Cash Flow

Businesses send and receive money through many portals; it is up to you or someone that you have hired to locate the best spots to spend your money, resources, and time. This could mean switching to another supplier, choosing a different material to make your products, or put a stop to a marketing campaign with no ROI.

These four tips can take your business from having many loose ends to being a tight-knit company that makes it work in any situation. As a leader of a new business, it is up to you to remain diligent and to care for those that you have hired on to your team. If you start your business with these suggestions in mind, your company will be able to stand the test of time.

A Virtual State of Mind – Tips for Building a Virtual Office

Source: O#23559 – ID#100011796646

A virtual office means that you can work from anywhere in the world. The internet has made it easier than ever for businesses to be built from the ground-up, all from the comfort of your own home. Many workers can telecommute to work because of the ease and reliability of the internet today. However, working from home or anywhere outside of a traditional office setting has both its advantages and disadvantages. Many businesses are choosing to take advantage of virtual offices because of the savings on office space rentals, tech, food, office supplies, and insurance. We have compiled a few tips for building a virtual office to enhance your business.

Some critics of virtual offices believe that working from home makes workers more susceptible to distractions such as family or friends, and they think that workers won’t be as productive as they would be if they were to work in a regular office environment. If you are thinking about taking your business into the virtual world, or if you already do telecommute, then check out these tips to help you create a productive virtual office space that will guarantee efficiency, creativity, and an increase in cash.

1. Get a phone system

In business, you will inevitably need to be able to connect quickly and efficiently with your employees, co-workers, clients, and customers. Many virtual phone systems offer forwarding and routing services to anywhere in the world. These phone systems help customers and clients get in contact with the right person in the business that they need to talk to. The phone system can often greet the customer automatically and then offer them a variety of options so that they can get into contact with the right department. It doesn’t matter if your sales manager is in Florida and your customer service agent is in Iowa.

2. Meet new-hires in person

If you are the boss, you should make it a point to try to meet everyone you work with at least once. It might not be financially possible for some companies to fly out managers to meet new employees or vice versa. Be that as it may, luckily, technology exists and if you can’t meet “in-person” you can still meet “face-to-face” kinda. Through Skype, Viber, Google Hangouts, and a host of other video calling apps, it is now possible to connect with and see others without leaving your living room.

3. Hold meetings

If your co-workers or employees are located within the same area, then you can hold in-person business meetings as much as you think necessary. Whether these meetings occur on a monthly, bi-monthly, or yearly basis, there are plenty of places that can host your group. Since you do not have access to your office building, you can set-up a meeting time at hotels with conference rooms, coffee shops, and you can even find some companies who are willing to rent out their free spaces to other businesses for meetings as well.

4. Communicate often and effectively

Since you can’t just walk over to Susan’s cubicle to talk to her about a marketing campaign, you need to have the next best thing. Staying in constant contact on Google Chat is an easy way to get answers fast from your employees. If something can wait more than five minutes, then you can always send an email. Be sure that your employees are aware that they need to be plugged in and ready to answer questions, emails, and phone calls while they are at work.

virtual state of mind
Source: O#23559 – ID#100200213530

5. Establish a time management policy

The best thing about telecommuting to work is that you can typically make your own hours. However, it’s important to know when your employees are working so that you can quickly get in contact with them. Virtual offices also need to establish how long each person will be working a day and what is expected to be completed of them. This way everyone can plan their days accordingly.

6. Foster relationships between co-workers

It is highly encouraged to set up team building events for your employees if they can all attend. If your team is located all around the world, then it may be a bit harder to meet up for happy hour after work. Instead, you can set up a non-work-related Facebook group or chat group. It also helps to remember birthdays and share personal news and special occasions. If you know that one of your co-workers or employees is getting married, be sure to send them an e-greeting card or shoot them a congratulatory text. A little bit of effort goes a long way in creating relationships.

7. Encourage productivity with competitions

To make sure that your team is being as productive as possible, offer incentives for hard work. This can be done through bonuses or contests between employees. Set goals for the team and award prizes to those who reach milestones before everyone else. You will soon see your profits rise and your employees get excited about work.

8. Set boundaries

Working from home can genuinely be distracting if you live with a spouse, roommates, or children. When you decide to start working for the day be sure to let your family and friends know that you can be reached after you’re done. Shut the door to your office, if possible, and shut out any distractions that aren’t work-related. If your office is the kitchen or another high traffic area in your home, consider heading to a coffee shop.

The Importance of Toll Free Numbers for Businesses

If you’ve just started a business, you may be wondering if you need to get toll free numbers. You may not know how a toll free number works and you might ask yourself if you will need one for your business.

You’ve seen toll free numbers advertised in commercials, on billboards, business cards, and on websites but if you are a small business owner, you’re probably wondering if you need one or are they really just for the big guys?

Benefits of Toll Free Numbers

The truth is, all businesses can benefit from having a toll free phone number associated with their company. Not only is it better for your customers (because you don’t want them to have to pay to contact you, right?) but it also helps your business stand out amongst the competition. 800 numbers encourage communication between customers and companies. But that isn’t there only use. Check out these essential uses of a toll free number for businesses.

Purchasing Toll Free Numbers

Toll free phone numbers are available for purchase from several different phone forwarding services. These companies provide a virtual phone number that can keep you connected to your customers 24/7. When a customer dials your toll free phone number, they will be patched into wherever you want that call to go to. That means you can take calls from your store, office, home, cell phone, or connect the call to a virtual call center.

Toll Free Numbers businessman phone coffee
Source: O#23559 – ID#100013960404

How to Get a Toll Free Number

Having a toll free number is as simple as signing up for one. There aren’t any surprise expenses or costly equipment to purchase. Plus these services often come with a variety of included features. These features include email, fax services, voicemail set-up, call recording, and forwarding services.

Create Both a Local and a Broad Presence

Having Toll free number allows you to be in two places at once, as well as to be two businesses at once. Whether you are after the group that prefers a clean, corporate image, or you are interested in local customers who like to buy from their communities, you can target both! Virtual toll free number providers offer local numbers as well as numbers at meager costs which means you can have a national presence and a local presence no matter where you are located.

The Portability Factor

If you want to move your business, a toll free number and other virtual phone numbers are easy to port from one place to another, including from one telephone provider to another. So there is no need to fear commitment to one provider as long as you are committed to your business. And if you do happen to move across the world or out of the state, you can still maintain your relationships with the customers you had in your first location with your toll free phone number.

Customer Relations

Toll free numbers do improve customer and business relations. If a customer can’t get in touch with a business, why would that person want to do business with them? Would you want to buy from a company that you can’t get a hold of? What if there is an issue with the product? Where would you turn? Toll free phone numbers include customer service and when customers have a reliable number to call when something goes wrong, or they only wish to compliment your product, you begin to establish trust in the relationship and eventually, that trust turns into customer loyalty. The more comfortable you make communication for a customer, the more likely they will be to return.

Toll Free Numbers have a Big Impact

Customers won’t forget you. Toll free numbers are such a hit because they’re easy to remember. They are even easier to remember if you choose to purchase a vanity number. Vanity numbers generate more sales because words are much less complicated for people to remember that over a sequence of numbers.

Tracking your marketing efforts is more straightforward with a toll free phone number. Having a toll free phone number allow you to create extensions, one that you can trackback from an advertising campaign, the phone book, and another for your website. After a campaign has a run or an amount of time has gone by, you can go back and look up how many people called from each particular extension. Were more people calling from finding the number on the website? Or did the campaign you ran double your numbers? It’s all effortless to figure out just by glancing at your account management page.

With all of the benefits of having a toll free number, it’s no wonder that businesses across America have used them for years. And now thanks to giant strides in the technology industry, these toll free numbers are easier to purchase than ever before.

The History of Toll Free Numbers

Source: O#23559 – ID#100013960404

Toll free telephone numbers are used as a tool for businesses to incur the charges that would normally be charged to the customer trying to reach them. It is important for businesses to offer easy ways for their customers to contact them. Companies who provide free and simple ways to communicate with their customers become successful because they are able to establish brand loyalty.

Brand loyalty is created through the building of a relationship and trust with their customers, which can only be done through communication. But what is the history behind toll free phone numbers?

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Source: O#23559 – ID#100037416123

Automatic Collect Calling

In 1967, AT&T decided it was time to reduce the number of collect calls and allow their phone operators a much-needed break. They called it “automatic collect calling” and we know it as toll free numbers today. Right away, automatic collect calling grew in popularity in specific industries such as car rental companies and hotels since they took many phone calls a day for reservations.

The first call center was created, and its job was to host 800 numbers for a variety of companies. The first call center did not last and eventually went out of business. However, businesses still wanted to keep their toll free phone numbers. The need for companies to have their own 800 numbers prompted them to create their own independent call centers, all located in Omaha, Nebraska. It was the easiest place to start a call center because AT&T had an office there and would set up call centers in just one day. Whereas in other parts of the US it could take up to several weeks. Because of the quick turnaround time and huge congregation of call centers, the town earned the nickname, “Res City.”

The business model still wasn’t perfect, though. The reason so many businesses were choosing the same spot was that companies needed two 800 numbers; one for in-state and one for out-of-state calls. Everything that was out of state would be rerouted to AT&T, and because AT&T was right there in Omaha, it was able to handle the barrage of out-of-state-calls.

The Introduction of Customizable 800 Numbers

Luckily, by 1981, AT&T updated their system. New technology allowed AT&T to sort all calls through to a “central clearinghouse.” Along with these technological upgrades came the ability to offer customized 800 numbers, which was the beginning of vanity numbers. However, vanity numbers were not yet affordable to all companies because toll free numbers were under one monopoly. The FCC stepped in in 1984 and broke up the monopoly. Since regional companies had access to the technology, the companies were then able to offer competitive rates. Vanity numbers began to take off in popularity because they were affordable. Furthermore, businesses had the opportunity to switch telephone providers without having to go through an expensive and drawn out process because a law instated in 1994 guaranteed phone number portability.

After 1994, vanity and toll free numbers weren’t just fashionable, they became a critical business staple. It was the smartest choice for any company that wanted to operate on a national level to have one phone number to satisfy all of their clients throughout the US. Soon the demand for these 800 numbers outweighed the supply, and new toll free numbers had to be introduced. These new prefixes include 855, 866, 877, and 888.

Toll Free Numbers: A Business Staple

After the introduction of cell phones and the internet, the need for toll free numbers abated from its original fast rise in popularity. Today, the toll free number has changed from a business staple into a sign of professionalism and trust in a business. That does not mean that toll free numbers have not kept up with the changes in technology, however. Now 800 numbers can be routed directly to personal cell phones as well as call centers. It has taken over 50 years, but now home-based businesses, sole proprietorships, and small start-ups can afford toll free phone numbers which are the mark of professionalism, previously only a luxury available to the largest corporations.

If you are interested in setting up a toll free number or vanity number for your business, check out the available toll free numbers and vanity numbers that are available from