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Is Your Business Still Using a Landline? Times Have Changed!

Source: O#100176443260 ID#100200144052

Landlines have been seeing a decline in not only personal use but business use as well. This is due to many factors, including the ease and usefulness of a mobile phone, and also because of the flexibility in the workplace. Workers out at lunch do not want to miss an urgent call so that a work phone will be instituted on their behalf. As for workers who work from home or co-working spaces, a mobile phone line is necessary. Because of this, most offices have gotten rid of their landlines completely. Is Your Business Still Using a Landline? Times Have Changed!

Virtual Technologies Support Today’s Dynamic Businesses

still using a landline?
Source: O# 100029239867 ID#100200144052

Companies are created to grow and change, and it would be a hassle to move in mass amounts of wires every year when you could simply install a powerful WiFi network. Landlines also restrict businesses to one spot. Employees would not have the freedom to leave their desks while waiting for an urgent phone call. Mobile phones are incredibly useful for employees who do not work regular business hours and need more flexibility as well. One example is workers who need to contact international clients in different time zones.

Mobile phones have also increased the number of meetings done over FaceTime and Skype. Instead of having to travel to multiple businesses, you can meet with your colleagues face-to-face wherever you currently are. As long as you have WiFi, you are available. Video conferencing has now become the chosen way to host meetings for many businesses across the world.

Gaining More Flexibility and Freedom with a Virtual Phone System

While virtual phone providers can solve some of the problems associated with the landline, such as being restricted to one location, it can not solve all of them. With a mobile line, you can gain access to even more features with your virtual phone line such as SMS messaging. Most Americans, especially the younger generations, prefer text messages to phone calls. Most Millenials hate speaking on the phone and will ignore a phone call from a business. However, if they’re sent a text message, it’s likely they’ll respond or at least read the message and the information.

Are Business Landlines Common?

Landlines can still be found in many businesses, but those companies have been in business for several years when there were no other options. Many new companies are worried about alternative business developments such as access to bike racks, stocking healthy snacks, pet-friendly workplaces, and meditation rooms. These growing businesses aren’t interested in having a working landline. As landline numbers decrease in homes across the country, business landlines are corresponding accordingly.

If you’re still choosing a virtual phone system to use for your business or office, you can select between VoIP lines and a landline. VoIP, though, has a lower setup cost and much lower maintenance costs than landlines.

Advancing into the Future with VoIP

VoIP or internet calling uses the internet to place your phone calls. This system has been around for a long time, but only recently has VoIP become the best way to place calls. Because of consistent technological achievements over the years, WiFi connections have become very reliable.

If you’re still not convinced that you should ditch the landline, consider a few of these points:

  • VoIP offers many multimedia options, including video, unlike landlines, which only offers voice calling.
  • Your business can expand easier without the addition of multiple phone sets and installing wires.
  • Feature options are limited when choosing a landline, while VoIP comes with call waiting, call forwarding, and many others.
  • Cordless phone sets for landlines will not work during a power outage.
  • VoIP allows you to use mobile phones, landline phones, computers, laptops, and tablets to communicate.
  • You can port your numbers easily with VoIP and make calls from your mobile phone wherever you go.
  • VoIP has the benefit of rejecting anonymous callers, if you prefer.
  • Auto attendants, voicemail to email, and voicemail to text are all available with a VoIP connection.

Ways Climate Change is Altering the Way You Do Business

Source: O#23559 ID#100183422770

It may not be extremely obvious to some, but climate change is altering our world so drastically that all businesses will need to undergo some form of transformation in order to stay afloat. Top investors are increasingly demanding that more organizations create environmental action plans and consider risks to the business that are caused by shifting consumer attitudes.

Climate Change: The Future is Looking Bleak

In October of last year, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that if we continue at the rate we are going currently, global warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius is likely between the years of 2030 and 2052. At this level of warning, there will be irreversible damage and a dramatic increase in climate-related risks to health, food security, water supplies, human safety, and economic development. While it is still possible, this report detailed that steps to limit this global warming will require immediate and extensive efforts related to energy, land, urban infrastructure, and industrial systems.

How it affects Business

With regard to business specifically, there are undeniable ways climate change is altering the way you do business. This should give each and every business owner pause in analyzing the effects and putting plans and efforts in place to mitigate the risks.

Climate Change & Risk Assessment

Some of the ways climate change is altering the way you do business are in how insurance companies are assessing natural disaster risk. This is something that you may not be immediately aware of, but climate change is affecting how insurance companies run as a whole in relation to businesses and homes. Companies like IKEA and Coca-Cola openly promote topics like water scarcity and deforestation, helping to make these topics better known to the general public. These types of impacts are prompting companies to invest in new processes and technologies in order to mitigate risk.

There are also other impacts, like making the transition to a carbon-free economy and new trends related to how customers, investors, regulators, and businesses make decisions. How climate change is altering the ways we do business is becoming a more well-known topic. Because it is evident that this is the reality we are facing, business owners cannot afford to turn their backs on the impending future ahead.

Climate Change
Source: O#23559 ID#100150599160

Planning is the Key to a Stronger Strategy

Today, companies that truly listen to their stakeholders and take a significant stand on sustainability, values, climate resiliency, and adaptation are in a much better position to serve and retain customers in the long-run. The truth is, a company’s strategy must include a carefully designed path that helps the company achieve high financial performance. In order to sustain successful financial performance, a business owner has to have a clear understanding of how the business is impacting society. It’s important to understand how trends affect the macro – everything from wage growth levels to climate change – will affect the company’s potential growth.

How the Climate May Affect Your Business

You must assess and act on risks and opportunities related to climate change. More sustainable investments can transform a business, reduce risks, and tap into opportunities. Every initiative is unique and investments in clean energy can help reduce risk. Taking initiative is also attractive to talent and conservation efforts aimed at protecting natural resources. It can lead to discovering new markets as well as full climate-risk assessments that enable investors to make better-informed decisions.

You Can Prepare with Careful Planning

When it comes to the ways climate change is altering the way you do business if you haven’t felt it yet, be prepared. The examples are broad and varied. They may include harsher working conditions, changes in material supply and demand, changing environments and infrastructure needs, public perception, and extreme weather. However, there are ways to prepare ahead of time.

Companies and investors are acknowledging the dangers posed by climate change and extreme weather. Many businesses now consider risks posed by environmental factors to be even more dangerous than cyber-attacks and turbulent markets. You should be analyzing the risks related to your specific business in the present. There is more pressure than ever from consumers to make products more climate-friendly and make other changes related to climate change. This is the new normal and any company leader that does not choose to acknowledge this and act accordingly is very likely to drive their business into extinction.

Why Business Leaders Need to Focus on Sustainability Efforts

Source: O#100023244232 ID#100200144052

It is one thing to acknowledge an issue and it is an entirely different thing to actually decide to do something about it and act on those plans. The conversation regarding building more sustainable and global businesses has gained a lot of momentum over the last decade. There is encouraging news regarding significant initiatives from various corners of the world. The bottom line is this: sustainability efforts should be on the agenda of every single business leader. Consumers increasingly expect business leaders to play their role in not only delivering economic growth, but also working to improve the lives of customers and employees while protecting the environment.

The Need for Sustainability Cannot Be Ignored Any Longer

Expressing intentions is no longer sufficient. Sustainability is becoming more important for companies across all sectors. It is a business approach to create long-term value by considering how a given organization operates in social, ecological, and economic environments. Developing and implementing these strategies are meant to foster a company’s longevity. This is why business leaders need to focus on sustainability efforts.

Additional Reasons Why Business Leaders Need to Focus on Sustainability Include:

  • Government Regulations: Federal, state and local governments are enacting additional regulations to protect the environment. Adopting sustainability efforts will help to ensure that your company will be able to meet the changing regulations in a timely manner
  • Public Relations: A growing number of consumers care about environmental issues. This sector of the population is investing in companies who are enacting sustainability policies.
  • Attracting Employees: Employees want to attach themselves to brands that care about the environment and social responsibility as a whole.
  • Increased Sales: Sustainability commitments are resulting in improved sales.
  • Attracting Investors: Like consumers, investors want to invest in a company that is socially responsible.
  • Feeding Creativity and Innovation: Challenging employees to come up with better ways to do things is inspiring.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Targeting one area with sustainability efforts may lead to improvement in other areas as well.
  • Reducing Risk: Reducing the risk of fines and lawsuits by being in compliance keeps costs down.
  • Brand Trust and Loyalty: Branding your company as one that is committed to sustainability efforts is a great way to gain consumer confidence, trust, and loyalty.
why should leaders focus on sustainability
Source: O#100012722104 ID#100200144052

Sustainability is the Future

Companies are moving toward more sustainable practices by reducing waste, creating a greener supply chain, looking at water efficiency, optimizing material usage, increasing productivity, addressing labor conditions, setting targets on water replenishment, taking steps with regard to energy efficiency, and more.

Sustainability and Business

When examining why business leaders need to focus on sustainability, it is imperative to understand these efforts are good for the environment, for consumers, and for business. Any business leader that does not grasp this is taking the risk of being left behind the competition. There are other risks, such as promising and not delivering or addressing one issue without being solid on compliance with regard to sustainability in other areas. For business leaders to address sustainability appropriately, these risks should be assessed and plans should be in place to address these issues.

Related: Green Cloud Communications for Business

Improving Sustainability is a Work in Progress

Just like there is no “one solution” for every business model, there is no “one solution” across the board for implementing sustainability efforts in every business. The best course to take is in analyzing the ambitions and individual stakes of each company. A few steps management teams can take in improving sustainability efforts include:

  1.  Aligning the company strategy with sustainability efforts.
  2. Address compliance first (pollution and energy efficiency, human rights, labor responsibilities, regulations in waste management, etc.) before addressing competitive advantage.
  3. Develop proactive sustainability strategies rather than reactive ones. When looking at why business leaders need to focus on sustainability efforts, you should recognize the impact of sustainability and develop proactive strategies rather than waiting until there is a crisis (i.e. public anger for unfair labor practices) to implement such efforts.
  4. Transparency is key. An open environment in an organization leads to improved performance. This has been proven time and time again. The way to accomplish transparency is through open and clear communication with all stakeholders.

Putting Sustainability Plans into Action

In speeding up sustainability efforts, business leaders should focus on issues that are specific to your business. This includes building a clear business case for focusing on sustainability, reinventing your business model, and developing a compelling value-creating story for investors. This is especially helpful when presenting your case for focusing on sustainability. This is a major challenge, but it is also one that matters beyond individual organizations.

Looking at why business leaders need to focus on sustainability efforts is a critical first step, however, action is the next step that must be taken.

The Links Between the Economy and the Environment

Source: O#100161657762 ID#100200144052

In November 2018, the current U.S. administration published a significant report detailing the advance of climate change. The news was bad and it also came with a price tag. The report detailed the damage that is being observed and the financial losses that are projected. In summary, the outcome is a result of what humans have constructed and are still constructing, which is not best suited for the world the way it is. As time goes on, the cost to live in this world could increase by hundreds of billions of dollars per year. The links between the economy and the environment are clearly shown.

The Evidence of Climate Change We’re Seeing Right Now

In recent years, thousands of Americans have died as a result of extreme weather events tied to climate change. This has included hurricanes, which have been fueled by very warm seas to other extremes, such as drought. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island said, “This report shows how climate change will affect every single one of our communities. The president says outrageous things like climate change is a hoax engineered by the Chinese and raking forests will prevent catastrophic wildfires, but serious consequences like collapsing coastal housing prices and trillions of dollars in stranded fossil fuel assets await us if we don’t act.”

Climate Change May Prove to be Financially Crippling

The United States National Climate assessments since 2000 have focused on showing the links between the economy and the environment and how much Americans stand to lose to climate change. The costs that are discussed include household expenses, the availability and price of food, energy, and other goods that people use on a daily basis in modern society.

These effects extend beyond the US. The report states, “The impacts of climate change, variability, and extreme events outside the United States are affecting and are virtually certain to increasingly affect U.S. trade and economy, including import and export prices and businesses with overseas operations and supply chains.” The report also states, “Now it’s seen much more as a societal or economic issue than a narrow environmental one.” And that is what it takes for many to gather the full scope of an issue… a clear, eye-opening breakdown of how something will affect them, the economy, and society as a whole.

Environment and the conomy
Source: O#= 100255318752 ID#100200144052

Dire Situations Ahead if Action Isn’t Taken

A section of the report analyzes the estimates of economic loss across the U.S. economy by sector. This section points to the fact that policy, as well as technological and behavioral changes that result in significantly lowering emissions, can cut the potential financial damage across many of these sectors by approximately 50 percent.

Even in a best-case situation, Americans will still have to pay tens of billions of dollars more per year to deal with the acceleration of climate change.

The climate change report goes on to show how climate change is putting different regions in the country in difficult financial situations:

In Pennsylvania, aging bridges may not fare well against more extreme storms, and water and wastewater systems need almost $30 billion in investment. In general, about 90 percent of the northeast is built on infrastructure poorly suited to adjust to rising seas. “Projected future costs are estimated to continue along a steep upward trend relative to what is being experienced today,” the report states. More than 60 percent of big southeastern cities see heat-wave trends above the national average, and three of them, Birmingham, Ala., New Orleans and Raleigh, N.C., are exceeding the rest of the country across all major heat-wave measures. Anchored by California’s clean-tech economy, the Southwest is seeing much of the nation’s new energy investment. Legacy power technologies, such as water-cooled power plants, will continue to work for decades, however, and will be less effective as temperatures make cooling sources too hot. Hot water could reduce efficiency of these power plants by 15 percent by 2050. In the Midwest, a major producer of corn and soybeans, increased temperatures, rainfall and humidity have eroded soil and allowed harmful pests and pathogens to thrive, according to the report. Rising growing-season temperatures in the region are projected to be the largest single factor contributing to declines of U.S. agriculture production.

Related: Learn How to Go Green with Cloud Communications

If the Environment Collapses, so Will the Economy

There are growing threats to supply chains, global trade, and the price of goods. Other international issues include humanitarian aid, national security, and what the report refers to as “transboundary resources,” which include water, fish, and minerals co-managed by neighboring countries. The link between the economy and the environment is clear and must be addressed immediately.

Though adaptation efforts are currently being put into effect at various levels across the nation, they are often minimal in comparison with the challenges we face. Acknowledging the connection between the economy and the environment and addressing the full range of climate change will require substantial change in business practices and procedures across all organizations and sectors. It also requires substantial change on the part of individuals, laws, and capital investment. The goal is not to adapt to a new normal that will essentially remain the same, but to prepare lives and infrastructure with a forward-looking mindset that takes into account the “now” and the “what’s to come.”

7 Tips for Balancing Entrepreneurship and Parenthood

Source: - O#23559 ID#100209791042

Every working parent knows how challenging it can be to balance a career with parenting. Parents who run their own businesses experience an additional layer to these challenges. In many ways, parents who are also entrepreneurs find it easy to stretch themselves very thin between the children they are raising and the businesses they are aiming to grow. Both children and new businesses require a lot of attention and time to be healthy and successful, especially in the beginning stages. Balancing entrepreneurship and parenthood takes great care in planning and prioritizing their time to make sure that both the children and their businesses get the care that they truly need and deserve.

Here are 7 tips for balancing entrepreneurship and parenthood:

1. Learn to Delegate

Learning to delegate is the first tip for balancing entrepreneurship and parenthood. There is no doubt that being a parent and an entrepreneur can be difficult to balance. The sooner you realize that you cannot clone yourself to be in two places at once, the better off you will be. Prioritize special occasions and engagements with your kids that will require 100 percent of your time and attention. Make sure you have someone to step in to help you during these times, so that you are able to be present in all ways for your children. Accepting help is hard for some, but dealing with burnout is even harder. Respect that you need the help and plan for this when needed.

2. Take Time for Self Care

The second tip for balancing entrepreneurship and parenthood is to take time for self care. Adopting mindfulness, meditation practices, and other forms of relaxation are a must. Prioritizing your wellbeing will only make you healthier, stronger, more productive, and better all around for your children and for your business. When life becomes too hectic, the first thing to easily get dismissed is the priority of self-care. The likely response is, “I don’t have time for self care.” Here is the thing though… if you don’t make time for self-care, your body will force you to stop in the form of getting sick in one way or another. Stress will take a toll on your health and your ability to be there for your children and your work. Take preventative measures by taking care of yourself. Taking even ten minutes a day for personal relaxation will benefit your children, your work, and your overall ability to succeed at everything you are trying to get done.

Balancing Entrepreneurship and Parenthood
Source: – O#23559 ID#100158589112

3. Create Boundaries and Honor Your Word

Do your best to create clear time boundaries. These are specific times that you define for when you are available and times that you define that you are not available. This is a healthy lesson for your children as well. When you are not available, you are not to be disturbed unless it is urgent. When you are available, however, this means being fully present for your children without a cell phone and any other distractions. This is your time with them and only them, everything else can wait for a bit.

4. Involve Your Children When Possible

A huge motivation for parents who choose to be entrepreneurs is the flexibility in their schedule to be more available to their children. Another motivation along the same lines is that you may be able to thoughtfully include your children in your business as helpers who are important parts of the team. This can be fun and inspiring for both your child and for yourself.

5. Remember that Balance Does Not Happen Every Day and it’s OK

Balance is definitely an overused word and too much pressure is placed on being balanced at all times. It is not possible. It is really easy to fall into a trap where you are working too hard or too much and you feel like you are failing at achieving balance at all times. Balance is not achievable every single day. Things come up and throw you off and that is OK. Remind yourself that your children will benefit from seeing you work extra hard sometimes and that your leadership skills will benefit from stepping away from your work and spending valuable time with your children. A little time management improvements can help make these days happen less.

6. Take Control of Your Calendar

For parents who are also entrepreneurs, it is highly unlikely that the traditional 8 to 5 calendar workday will work. You may find yourself scheduling client meetings while your kids are at school. You may be scheduling conference calls when you’re sitting in the car-parent pickup-line at your child’s school. You will most likely be working on things after their bedtime. Getting to create your own schedule means you can be present at all of your children’s events and you are in control of your calendar, so be mindful, map it out and take control of your calendar versus letting your calendar take control of you.

7. Take a Moment to Refocus Before you Transition From One Role to Another

Another one of the 7 tips for balancing entrepreneurship and parenthood is to take a moment to refocus before transitioning from one role to another. Juggling the responsibilities of entrepreneurship with the responsibilities of parenthood can be tough. In an effort to really be present in each of these roles, when it is possible, try to take a moment to refocus prior to transitioning from one role to another. Turning your cell phone to silent mode and putting away your laptop are obvious things to do when you are going to stop working and focus on your child, but switching your mindset is also really important.

Time-Management Tips for Working Parents

Source: - O#23559 ID#100099705860

For many working parents, managing career responsibilities and home responsibilities can feel like you have two (or more) full-time jobs. With a long list of things that need to get done and only so many hours in the day to get those things done, it is imperative that parents establish a routine that will help to make the load a little lighter and easier to manage. Using proper time management and consistency plans — like the Seinfeld Strategy, Pomodoro Technique, Rapid Planning Method, etc — is a way to make the pressure of professional and parental duties less daunting. Here are some time-management tips for working parents that will make it feel like hours are being added to your day.

Get Organized

As with anything in our lives, organization is super important. Regarding time management, being organized is at the center of all of it. In order to get organized, however, it is important to assess how time is currently being spent. Examine your current daily schedule and determine where time is being effectively and ineffectively used. Whether you work for someone or you are a parent juggling a small business with children, these tips will get you started.

When it comes to being a parent, the things to remember seem endless. Between school events, doctor appointments, extracurricular activities, sports, play dates and more, it’s a lot to keep track of. Investing in a large wall calendar can be life-changing. You can color code activities listed depending on which person or persons need to attend the event/activity. This is a great place to put all of this and make sure it is easily visible to everyone. This can also be done electronically for families who find it easier to access everyone’s shared calendar on a smartphone or tablet.

Another way to save time at home is to have a running grocery list where items can be added as they are thought of or as soon as you run out. This will help in preparing for a trip to the grocery store. Planning meals for the entire week on Sunday will also help to make evening dinners quicker.

Working Parents
Source: – O#23559 ID#100211024164


Prioritizing tasks is another essential element when it comes to effective time management. Particularly with regard to time-management tips for working parents, looking at all of the tasks at hand and being able to identify the most important duties and commitments versus those that you don’t have to do is important. One way to do this is to create a to-do list and divide it into three sections. The sections can be labeled “immediate attention,” “weekly tasks,” and “ongoing tasks.” It is easy to get caught up in the tasks that may not need immediate attention, especially if those tasks are the most fun or seem like larger tasks than others. When someone is faced with a task that is unpleasant, it is easier to procrastinate or waste more time than is actually needed to do the task. This is why it is most beneficial to complete the less desirable tasks first and get past the time spent dreading them. By splitting tasks up into three categories, it will also make the daily list seem a lot shorter and easier to manage.

When considering time-management tips for working parents, another essential part of prioritizing relates to knowing when to say no. If there is simply too much on the schedule, it is perfectly acceptable to turn down additional work or skip an activity or gathering. Work on setting goals that are reasonable to achieve, both at home and at work and when those goals are met, the feeling of accomplishment will help you in getting other tasks done. Try to use weekday mornings and evenings to get comparably small tasks done to save weekend time for your family. When you make dinner, make some extra that can be reheated another night of the week.

Other time-management tips for working parents include consolidating, delegating, disconnecting, and self-care. Consolidating can apply to tasks or actual physical items. When you are looking for something in your home, a lot of time can go to waste when things are not put back in their place. When it comes to tasks, consolidating tasks that are similar can save a lot of time as well.

Delegating is another one of those time-management tips for working parents that may seem difficult to grasp at first, but when everyone works as a team, it can be very helpful. Children often enjoy helping out with to-do lists. Designating jobs to different family members not only teaches responsibility, but it also helps to get things done in less time. This means that time can be refocused on other things; fun things.

Lastly, you may not think of disconnecting and self-care as time-management tips for working parents, but they may be the most important tips of all. Taking time to disconnect from work to spend time with your family and taking time for you to relax and decompress makes you a better parent and better person overall. Not taking time to do these things leaves you feeling stressed and can easily lead to burnout.

Trust that these time-management tips for working parents will make your life easier. Juggling parenting with demanding professional responsibilities can be much less daunting if careful attention is given to time management.

Designing Business Cards? Use a Virtual Phone Number

Source: O#23559 - ID#100053809749

As the world goes more and more virtual, one thing is still consistent: business cards. If you do not have a business card that you can bring with you to networking events, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities and new contacts. So if everyone has a business card, how are yours supposed to stand out among the masses? Whether you are designing business cards for the first time or looking to revamp your old business cards, check out these eight tips to creating a better business card.

Tips for Designing Business Cards

Adhere to basic design standards

The standards for designing business cards as follows:

    • 300dpi has the best image reproduction
    • Typography should be minimal but not so small that it is illegible
    • Use CMYK to design your cards
    • Make sure that your copy is 5mm or more away from the edge
    • When it comes to choosing a font, be sure to find one that is easy to read and stand out. Stay away from script type, unless you’re a calligraphy business showing off your original work. (However, even then it should be very legible.)

Start with the most important information

Different standard business card sizes vary depending on the country that you are in. This is probably because wallet sizes differ from place to place. Either way, a business card will be easy to hold onto and store. You will be working with a small canvas for creativity, but you must make sure that you include your most relevant contact information. After all of the crucial information is stated on the card then you can begin to get creative with your design around the type.

Avoid simple mistakes

Before printing your business card, be sure that you provide a bleed that is stated on your printer. Also, level borders around the card should be avoided in case the card isn’t cut perfectly. Misaligned borders are glaringly obvious to anyone you will be giving your card out to. It is like having a stain on your t-shirt on a first date; it’s all the other person will notice.

Designing Business Cards Woman on Phone
Source: O#23559 – ID#100059450683

Use a virtual phone number

Highlight your virtual phone number on your business card. Business cards provide an easy way to exchange contact information with prospective clients and collaborators. Business cards are a great way to get people to call your business.

Think outside of the box

Most business cards are printed on the same type of material. This is usually because it is the most affordable option, but if you’re willing to spend a little more, you can take a bold design stance with your business cards using more creative options. Formats like wood, plastics, metals, and slate are all options for printing your cards. The business card still needs to be compact and portable, but as long as you keep that in mind when choosing an alternative material, you can’t go wrong with a card that stands out from other business cards.

Opt for a special finish

There are places to cut costs, but when choosing business cards, you shouldn’t be cutting costs on the finish. You can choose from metallic inks, foil blocking, and more specialized finishes. These finishes make your business cards look more expensive and visually appealing. Because of this, people will be more likely to remember your business card.

Create a business card with multiple uses

You can get creative here. When your business card doubles as something like a seed bag you can plant, a treat for a dog, or a phone holder, then your business card is less likely to end up in the recycling bin.

Recycle old Business Card designs

If you have a stack of old business cards that you don’t want to use anymore (most people do!), you don’t have to throw them out. You can recycle them. And this applies not just to old business cards either, you can reuse old birthday cards or destination postcards. If you want an easy way to recycle, merely print out some stickers to stick over the old cards. Or if you’re artistic, then you can take your old cards and illustrate something by hand over the top.

Whether you decide to go to someone to have your cards created professionally or if you choose to create your own, remember to double and triple-check your work before printing. The worst outcome could be that you end up with thousands of useless cards that display the wrong phone number on them, or some other mishap! A keen eye for detail is a must; business cards are one of the key points of marketing and business communication, so the little things matter a whole lot.

Expert Tips for Expanding into Australia with Australian Toll Free Numbers

Source: O#23559 – ID#100002331709

Australia offers great opportunities for entrepreneurs to expand their businesses. Although it’s on the other side of the world in relation to America, Australia is currently one of the most exciting locations for investors, regardless of their industry. The nation is home to around 24 million people and yet few entrepreneurs realize that it’s one of the world’s most lucrative economies. In fact, it is the 12th largest in the world. So, this gives you a great opportunity for expanding into Australia with Australian toll free numbers. Here are some expert tips on how to choose Australia for your next virtual business expansion.

australia tips
Source: O#23559 – ID#100002331709

Take Advantage of Cloud Phone Numbers

A cloud phone number, such as an Australian toll free number is a virtual business number that operates through the internet. Unlike standard phone numbers, cloud phone numbers do not require any dedicated hardware or expensive software. Companies who provide virtual Australian toll free numbers route all calls made to the number to the number of your choice. It can be your landline, office phone, cell phone, or VoIP line. You will never miss a call again.

Use Australian Toll Free Numbers For Marketing

This is an easy way to test how successful your marketing campaigns are and how many leads they are pulling in. You simply use a different Australian toll free number for each of your marketing campaigns. For example, one for your website, one for your email marketing, one for your TV marketing, and another for your business cards. Now you can track your calls and see which numbers are bringing in the most new customers.

Don’t Limit Your Types of Virtual Phone Numbers

You don’t have to limit yourself to Australian toll free numbers. When you choose a provider like United World Telecom, you can also choose from Australian virtual local numbers and vanity numbers. This is a great way to boost your brand and show your customers that you have a strong presence in Australia. They won’t even know they are calling a virtual number. All numbers have a local ringback tone, so it will sound just the same as if your customers were calling a neighbor.

Your Business Will Benefit From a Range of Advanced Features

You’ll be glad that you signed up for your Australian toll free numbers with United World Telecom because you also get a suite of advanced features that you won’t find anywhere else. These include:

  • Local ringback tones
  • Rollover minutes
  • Failover forwarding
  • Simultaneous ringing
  • Black and white lists
  • Voicemail to email
  • Fax to email
  • Call recording
  • AI call insights
  • Call activity reports
  • CRM integrations

Stay Portable with an Australian Toll Free Number

The portability of Australian toll free numbers should not be underestimated. Let’s say you want to move your business to a different area than your current location. No problem. You can easily take your toll free numbers with you and your customers will not have to start using a different number. Whether you are moving out of state or across the world, your numbers will stay the same. This means you can maintain the same reliable relationship will all your customers without a problem.

Strengthen Customer Relations

It’s a known fact that toll free numbers can improve customer relations. Why would people want to do business with you if they are unable to get in touch with your company? Whether a customer has an issue with a product, wants to find out more about a service, or is having difficulty making an order, toll free numbers can not only make their life easier, they can also make the customer keep coming back for more. And customer loyalty is a valuable commodity.

The more comfortable your customers feel with your business, the less likely they are to turn to your competitors.

Give Your Company Credibility

Another important aspect of Australian toll free numbers is the fact that they boost your company’s credibility. This is particularly the case if you buy a vanity toll free number. A vanity number can make your company stand out from the rest because it ties in specifically to your brand. It gives your company a professional appearance that will impress customers everywhere.

You’ll Never Miss Another Call

With Australian local and toll free numbers, you can have all your calls routed to the number or numbers of your choice. You can even have calls routed to several different numbers at the same time until someone answers. These options enable you to handle calls from different time zones, so you don’t drop calls and your customers are always satisfied.

Contact United World Telecom today and find out more about how you can use Australian toll free numbers and local and toll free numbers in more than 140 countries to expand your business’s global reach.

7 Quick Tips for Increasing Your Business’s Reach with Toll Free Numbers

Are you thinking about getting a toll free number for your business? If you are running an eCommerce store or need to provide a customer service line, then you will want to consider getting one for your business. A toll free number is a national phone line that your customers can call for free from anywhere in the US. Virtual toll free phone numbers free up office space by connecting through the internet instead of a landline, which means you can connect your phone number to forward to any device of your choosing. Providing your customers with a phone line that they can call offers a way for your customers to reach out when they have an issue, and it creates another avenue in which they can make a purchase. If you’re still not sure how you can make your toll free phone number work for your business, check out these 7 quick pointers aimed at upping your business’s reach.

7 quick tips
Source: O#23559 – ID#100204677960

1. Make It Easy To Remember

Providing a toll free number for your business allows you to advertise with one number. No matter where your employees, stores, or customers are located, you can provide everyone with one number to dial. When your customers see this toll free number advertised somewhere they will automatically know it is for your brand, therefore, when you choose the toll free number that you want, make sure you choose one that has a nice flow to it or consider getting a vanity number.

2. Handle Higher Call Volumes

Toll free numbers are equipped with the ability to handle large calling volumes. Since they work in the Cloud, you won’t have to worry about a call dropping because toll free numbers offer call forwarding, meaning a phone call can be transferred instantly to the next available person.

3. Be Available 24/7

When a store is available at all times, a customer is more likely to trust that company with their business. Being able to answer your customers’ questions, take orders, and offer your customers a way to pay their bills over the phone at any time will create an instantly better relationship with your business and your customers. Customers won’t appreciate it if there isn’t a single phone number for them to contact if they have an issue.

4. Use IVR to Send Your Customers to the Right Agent

When your customers call your business, you can choose to greet them with an automatic message or send them straight to an available person. One way to tackle higher call volumes is to greet all of your customers with an initial welcome and continue onto a menu. Explain menu options so that your customer can choose with whom they want to speak to. For example, if they are looking to talk to someone in customer service, they can easily press a number to speak to customer service, but if they want to pay their bill, they can push the number that will direct them to the accounting office instead.

5. If You’re Going to Move, Port Your Number

If you have already invested in a toll free number and want to move locations, you can still move and keep your initial toll free number. If a move is better for your business, your toll free number won’t hold you back. You can still keep the number that you have been advertising with for years.

6. Reach a Larger Audience

Since toll free numbers work on a national level, you can promote your business outside of your town. Even if your shop is located in one neighborhood in one state, you can still advertise your products to customers located all over the US. When you have a toll free number, you offer your customers a free way to get into contact with your business. Which builds a certain level of trust.

7. Use Your Toll Free Number for Marketing Campaigns

You can try out new ways of marketing by associating each campaign with a different toll free number and then measure which numbers are getting the most calls. This will quickly help you to figure out what means of campaigning are working and where you can change up your direction.