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Call Masking

Mask your phone number by displaying specific business numbers instead
call masking

Maintaining privacy and establishing trust are critical components of effective communication strategies. One innovative solution that addresses these challenges is number masking, also known as call masking. This VoIP-based feature offers a gamut of advantages to optimize your business communication strategies and build stronger relationships with customers worldwide. With call masking, your business can:

  • Display specific local phone numbers when placing outbound calls
  • Establish a virtual local presence through your phone system
  • Improve global coverage and response rates
  • Increase callbacks from international customers

What is Number Masking? How Does it Work?

number maskingNumber masking works by substituting the actual outbound caller ID with a different number. The recipient of a call sees the alternative number rather than the caller’s original number. VoIP platforms provide users with the tools and settings to configure local caller ID information according to their preferences. This ensures that you can display a different, substituted number instead of the caller’s personal one.

Advantages of Masking Your Phone Numbers

So why mask your phone number and display different local numbers instead? Here are some ways your business can benefit from call masking when placing outbound calls:

Establish a Local Presence

You can use local or toll-free numbers for your outgoing calls regardless of geographical location. This helps in mitigating fear in customers related to generic international numbers. It also encourages local recipients to call you back—should they miss your call—and pay local rates instead of unknown international calling rates.

Enhance Local Responsiveness

For global businesses, establishing a local presence can increase answer rates. This is because customers are likely to engage with local numbers. You also demonstrate your commitment to serving customers in different regions by using local numbers with recognizable area codes. Through this approach, you can also increase positive customer interactions.

Maintain Caller Privacy

Masking phone numbers helps keep callers’ information private and secure while giving flexibility in outgoing caller ID. Remote workers can use number masking to display the business caller ID instead of their personal phone numbers. This not only protects the privacy of your staff or agents but also establishes professional credibility.

Create Brand Identity

If you work with dispersed teams, you can ensure all outgoing calls display a consistent business caller ID with number masking. Without masking, calls from different locations might display varying caller IDs confusing customers receiving calls. A consistent outgoing caller ID also makes the business a recognizable brand to customers.

Advanced Call Management Features

Additionally, service providers like United World Telecom offer a suite of basic and advanced call management features. Utilize these features to monitor and handle calls more effectively. These practices can contribute to a positive customer experience, which may lead to improved sales and revenue.

Popular Use Cases of Call Masking

The strategic use of number masking can be a game-changer. Here are some scenarios where number masking proves invaluable.

  • Build Global and Remote Teams

Establish a local presence with virtual phone numbers, without needing to be physically present in the regions that are your target markets. Distribute these virtual numbers to remote team members. This enables them to communicate with clients using masked numbers displaying relevant local numbers or the company’s main line number.

  • Facilitate Vendor-Buyer Interactions

Number masking isn’t just a privacy tool; it can help transform how vendors and buyers interact across industries like ridesharing, e-commerce, and delivery services. For instance, in delivery and e-commerce services, staff can update customers on status and shipping without revealing personal information while customers can seek support confidentially. In case of ridesharing services, drivers and passengers can communicate for pick-up coordination or route clarification without sharing their personal information.

  • Telehealth and Healthcare Services

Telehealth platforms can integrate call masking features to facilitate secure communication between healthcare providers and patients. By masking numbers, telehealth and healthcare services can ensure compliance with privacy regulations such as HIPAA, while providing convenient and secure communication channels for patients and providers alike.

  • Hospitality Sector

Resorts and hotels can utilize outgoing caller ID masking for unifying guest communication. When your staff needs to contact guests for room service orders, housekeeping requests, or booking confirmation, display the local masked number associated with the hotel’s front desk or guest services department.

  • Legal Services

When an attorney contacts a client to discuss case updates, legal consultations, or appointment scheduling, clients will see the main firm phone line or dedicated client services line instead of the attorney’s personal line. This will help clients feel confident and secure when receiving calls from their legal representatives.

Is Call Masking Legal?

It is legal to use call masking or number masking as long as it is used for legitimate business purposes. It is illegal if used for fraudulent or deceptive purposes. United World Telecom prioritizes integrity, ensuring that call masking is employed solely for legitimate purposes such as safeguarding customer privacy and improving service quality, among others.

Consumers are increasingly vigilant against fraudulent activities, transparency and honesty in communication. So misuse of this feature can erode customer trust and tarnish brand reputation. Regulatory bodies such as the FCC have enforced guidelines to ensure compliance and protect consumers. By upholding these principles, you can leverage call masking technology to enhance the customer experience while safeguarding against potential abuses.

Set Up Call Masking with United World Telecom

When you sign up for an Outbound Calling plan with United World Telecom, you will access our call masking feature. To get started:

  1. Choose an Outbound Calling plan that suits your business.
  2. Add the phone number(s) you want to use for call masking.
  3. Optionally, include premium services like hosted call recording.
  4. Complete your order and await activation of your service.

Once your service is active, you can adjust your call masking settings through your control panel or softphone:

  1. Log in to your control panel.
  2. Pick the Outbound Calling line where you wish to modify the caller ID setting.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Under Outgoing Caller ID, specify the Country and Lines (phone number) you want to display.
  5. Save your settings, and you’re done!

call masking setting

Number Masking with United World Telecom

Unlock the power of caller ID override and number masking with United World Telecom. You can get this feature through our comprehensive Outbound Calling service. Integrate number masking into your virtual phone service, explore its benefits, and grow your business. Let us help you maximize the effectiveness of outbound calling. Talk to our experts today!

Service Features

An advanced suite of included and premium features to reliably power your business communication.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time-of-Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Routing

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Routing

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

How To Get Started
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